DIscipleship Resources

Discipleship is an intentional relationship where two or more people follow and obey Jesus' words and ways together. 

Jesus invites ALL of us to make disciples! (Matt. 28) Ultimately Jesus is the leader in your discipleship group, and you get to discover how to follow and obey Him together. Whether you're brand new to following Jesus or have for years, we all have something to learn from each other in discipling friendships! (Ephesians 4:16)
What is Discipleship? - Here's 4 practicals on why & how we disciple!

What to cover in Discipleship

When meeting for discipleship, keep it simple! These 3 areas are helpful to cover:

Discovery Bible Study (DBS)

Discovery Bible Study is a simple yet effective way of learning from the Bible together, no matter what your faith background!

DO DBS using the "WAHA" APp 

Waha is a free app to help you do DBS together, without any preparation! Just press play and listen as Waha reads you questions & Bible passages, or read it together, then discuss.
See our 3/24 Sermon starting at 58 minutes in to learn more about the app!

Download Waha on your phone:The video below explains how to facilitate a Waha group.